Gleb Divov – inventor, creative technologist, European CultureTech pioneer with multiple mentions by the European Commission. Lithuanian ArtTech pioneer (included in the Lithuanian ArtTech map by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania). Artistic Creator of the Republic of Lithuania (status granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania). Active transdisciplinary immersive artist with selected works in the permanent collection of European contemporary art museums. As seen at Ars Electronica, Vancouver Biennale, Historical NFT Fest Barcelona and more.
International curator: Bill Drummond’s (The KLF) The Curfew Tower Residency in Cushendall, Northern Ireland; Carbon Art Residency in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Mentor: Nordic Culture Point (Finland).
His Excellency Mr. Gleb Divov is the Minister of Culture and Innovations of the independent Republic of Uzupis, Lithuania – world’s most innovative artistic Micronation with a global recognition.
For extra insights and interviews google “who is Gleb Divov“.