Natalija Arlauskaitė


Natalija Arlauskaitė



Natalija Arlauskaitė is a visual and cinema researcher, professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. Her main areas of interest are visuality and media theory, historical imagination, Soviet studies, WWII memory, medical imagery. Among her books are Savi i svetimi olimpai: screening between narrative theory and cultural criticism (2014), Nuožmi taika: photography of failed regimes in documentary cinema (2020, both Vilnius University Press), co-author of the collection Focus: women in Lithuanian cinema (2021) with Lina Kaminskaite, and co-editor of the book Watching and Being Watched: feminist film theory concepts and comics (2023, both Lapas) with Migle Anušauskaitė.

All sessions by Natalija Arlauskaitė

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