Zane Cerpina (LV/NO) is an Oslo based curator and writer working within experimental and digital arts. Her extensive body of work includes curating and producing several editions of Meta.Morf (Trondheim International Biennale for Art and Technology): Digital Wild (2020), Ecophilia (2022) and the upcoming Meta.Morf 2024: [up]Loaded Bodies. She is also the producer of FAEN Academy (2019-), The Dangerous Futures Conference (2018) and Art+Food+Next Generation project (2022-2023). Cerpina has initiated and been part of several archival and research projects, such as The Norwegian Media Art Library, and is one of the editors for the Book of Electronic Arts Norway. Cerpina is the author of The Anthropocene Cookbook: Recipes and Opportunities for Future Catastrophes, co-written with Stahl Stenslie (MIT Press, 2022).