Estúdio Paris

Photography, video
Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery
Renginys nemokamas / Free event
When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to such.

Estúdio Paris

Estúdio Paris discusses the photographic act through a speculative and experimental process. Focussing on portraiture, it explores photography as a metaphysical agent of communication.

The work is based on photographs from the author’s family collection with which he has emotional and sentimental connections. These images, portraits of loved ones, serve as the basis for a study of the formality of photographs as objects. Their physical composition is investigated, in the hope of finding in them a means of communicating with the absent.

In this research, the work contains new portraits that aim to present the photographic act as an act of intimacy in which there is a subtle exchange between the photographed and the photographer. With the aim of transforming a metaphysical reflection on the photographic portrait into a visual essay, various photographic techniques will be used – explored, namely: Ferrotype on wet collodion, Ambrotype on wet collodion, dryplate and conventional analogue photography.

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