Artūras Morozovas


Artūras Morozovas



Since 2006 he has been working as a photojournalist, covering various events in Lithuania and Europe, dealing with sensitive social issues: he documented military conflicts in Saqqartveli, Ukraine, post-conflict situations in Chechnya, Palestine, and the increased migration of refugees from Syria and other Arab countries to Europe.

Morozov’s photographs have been published in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Der Spiegel, etc., and he is one of the founders of, the first contemporary media agency in the Baltic States.

Although Morozov’s background in photography comes from the media field, he represents the Lithuanian tradition of humanistic photography, capturing life in Lithuania, with the human being at the epicentre of his everyday life.

In 2023, he was granted the status of Lithuanian Artist, and in the same year he became a member of the Lithuanian Union of Photographers.

A.Morozovas is a lecturer of photography at Kaunas College of Photography, and also organises private courses and trainings in analogue photography.

Morozov has held solo exhibitions in Italy (2), Lithuania (9), Belgium (NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Lithuania to the EU), Russia (Cosmoscow Art Fair), Moldova, Sakartvel (2), the United Kingdom (Photo London Festival), Belarus, Luxembourg.

He has been awarded the Golden Shot Award five times in the traditional Lithuanian Press Photography Competition.

He is one of the cinematographers of Winter on Fire, an Oscar-nominated film about the Maidan Revolution in 2017.

All sessions by Artūras Morozovas


Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery

Lecture of Tadas Kazakevičius and Artūras Morozovas

Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery
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