Elena Efeoglou


Elena Efeoglou



Elena Efeoglou is a visual artist working with photography and video based in Thessaloniki, Greece. She studied Fine Arts at the Aristotle University, she has a Master in Photography from the University of Arts in Belgrade, MA in Philosophical, Pedagogical and Interdisciplinary Anthropology, and she holds a PhD from the University of Western Macedonia, Greece. Her PhD thesis focused on the qualitative analysis of photographic representations during the Greek Civil War (1946-1949) and awarded with honorable mention by the “Vasiliki and Olga Stavropoulou Foundation”.

Her artistic interests mainly focus on the ways in which photography shapes private and public archives. She is interested in the materiality of photography, its role as a document in true and fictional narratives, and she is currently working with found photos and artificial intelligence. She works as Laboratory Teaching Staff in the Department of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University.

Her work has been presented internationally at museums, galleries and festivals including Kranj Foto Festival 2022, Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021, CICA Museum 2019, Espacio Pla Foundation Argentina 2018, Museum Romeinse Katakomben the Netherlands 2017 and more.

All sessions by Elena Efeoglou

Short stories about people I never met

Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery
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